Thursday, January 31, 2013

A single man's last hurrah

If a bachelor party at a strip club is a single man's last hurrah before he gets married, then why invite married men to join him? (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pay up

True faith in Christ Jesus will cost you something. It cost the disciples and many more their lives. Death and/or jail time for the believers in the middle east. Funny how in America all it costs is disapproval. (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Smile for the camera

Christians are the true reality television of the world. We are on constant display. What message do you send with your mouth and your actions? (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

What's in a name?

There are many titles that I'm honored to be called - husband, father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, friend, etc. But the title in which I take the most joy in having is "the one who Jesus loves." (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Confused much?

Believers nowadays seem to get their E's confused. Instead of trying to return to Eden (fellowship with God), they find themselves returning to Egypt (slaves to their old ways). (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Monday, January 28, 2013

Flown the coup.

Left Wing, Right Wing . Two wings on the same bird. Both are flying America straight to hell if Jesus Christ is not the center. (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Can't knock the hustle

It's not a non-believers fault that they expect us to compromise our biblical principles for worldly situations. Too many of us do this all of the time. (C) ) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Friday, January 25, 2013

Visually impaired

If the Bible doesn't mean anything to you then why do you get upset you whenever you see one? (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hey believer

Hey believer, does anyone believe you? (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Children don't always inspire change

If you're claiming to have changed your life around because you have a child but continue to drink, smoke, swear and do all of the things that you did before they were born then haven't changed at all. You've only created a successor. (C) 2013 Adriaan Jenkins


Since tomorrow is not promised, today is the last chance for someone to learn from or about you. What will they be able to say? Who will you be known as?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One thing remains

Good morning. Today's world doesn't have very many people or things to put your trust in. Athletes are doping, politicians are lying, parents are divorcing and most won't even commit to one another enough to get married in the first place. Sport teams can do very well - for a season - but that doesn't last a lifetime. With all of the inconsistencies we will see and experience in this world one thing has never changed in the last 2000 years - The Holy Bible. God's word has been the only standard of consistency and truth throughout all of our lives. Whether you've read it all or have never read it at all, that doesn't change the fact that God wrote it with your life in mind. If you don't know who you are or where you're going in life, I'd like to invite you to find out what God thinks about you and where He'd like you to be headed. It's all in the Bible, completely written with you in mind. Thank you for your time.